Shared Experiences

Exploring the concept of adrenalin evolved into competitors’ experiences and stories of taking part in a free-style disco dancing competition. From research on peoples’ experiences of competition it was clear there were lots of similar thoughts and feelings occurring.

I therefore set about trying to structure a task that would encompass a shared experience through individuals’ personal stories.

Each performer had the task of creating a story or section of text that included some of the following words with accompanying set moves (created through improvisations by several of the performers on the concept of adrenalin):

Skin, Hands/Palms, Sweating, Bones, Pulse/Pulsating, Sickness, Look at Me, Darkness, Shaking, Your turn/My turn.

Once each performer had their own story and had played with what moves to include and how to deliver the text, all the other performers took time to learn and embody each character’s ‘competition experience’. These experiences were then ordered together and performed with all the performers flocking behind the character telling their story/experience.

The use of flocking really helps to create a collective of shared experience, reflecting that we are all more or less going through the same emotions and feelings when put in pressurised situations. I also like how the experiences of the competitors relate to those we have in adult life, be it going to an interview, giving a presentation, meeting the in-laws for the 1st time, going on a date, etc. The collective performance also gives a real power and intensity to the emotions of each character.

I would like to continue to explore this ‘shared experience’ through a more abstracted approach to see where it leads the movement and characters.



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